6 Strategies for WhatsApp Marketing during COVID-19

The recent leap of COVID-19 has put all businesses to rest, and while it has taken a lot of lives, it has also put many people below the poverty line. If you are one of those people who can afford to eat in this locked down as well, then be thankful for what you have.

We know how frustrating and depressing it gets to see your business go down the drain just because a big, grave storm hits the whole world. In this situation, we need to know that the world will be a new place when we walk out of our homes – and for some people operating businesses, they might see their brand losing its charms.

As sad it may sound, there are a few steps that you can take to make sure that your business keeps running even at such times, and you can have a flowing income from your home. Don’t believe us?

Read below to find out how to do WhatsApp marketing for your business and marketing model during the time of COVID-19 and then locked down.

1.    Create an Engaging Brand Persona for WhatsApp

WhatsApp is a private and interactive chat network where users speak to relatives, communicate with acquaintances, and often flirt. The very first move is to build an appealing brand individual or personality that reflects your company with its WhatsApp contact. People don’t want to speak to members of impersonal corporations. In reality, the irony is that some of the more famous products and businesses have the most recognizable and vibrant corporate cultures.

During the time of a pandemic, make sure that you learn how to communicate with the buyer to keep the buyer in the loop of your business.

2.    Deliver Speedy Customer Service

WhatsApp has a 70% activation limit, which ensures that you are quite sure to be introduced to your text if your user is on WhatsApp with you.

In a research pilot of 17,000 users, 99 percent of buyers considered the app beneficial, and 98 percent indicated they would continue to use it. With much time at your hand, you can reach out to the potential or the loyal customers you had and wish them safety. This way, they will remember who remembered them. It will help you build a healthier relationship with your customers.

3.    WhatsApp Calls

If you are running a small business, WhatsApp can be a great help to communicate with your employees and customers. IF you are providing home delivery services for let’s say food, you can reach out to your customers on call to let them know of this. Research tells that most people pick calls more often than they check their messages.

4.    Broadcast Lists

Through broadcast contacts in WhatsApp Marketing Program, you will be able to submit a message to someone on your list of contacts that has your number registered in the contacts list on their phones. It is equivalent to the BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) in your emails, so your contacts can see a broadcast text in the same way as the usual message.  Contacts respond to a broadcast message shows like a regular one-to-one message. You may send messages concurrently to 256 contacts

5.    WhatsApp Marketing via Groups

WhatsApp Marketing Groups allows you to set up a group of almost 256 people so you can send texts, images, videos to all of them at once In Groups, any person will go in to see everybody else’s responses.  The first thing to do for WhatsApp Marketing Strategy is to find the best way to do it. The unfortunate part about linking to WhatsApp targets is that your prospects will save your contact numbers. Bombarding the clients with messages will lead them to block you forever, which may be the biggest nightmare of a marketer. WhatsApp advertising campaigns is close to the Email Marketing Strategy, where you need to commit to reaching users by email to get it going successfully

6.    WhatsApp Bulk Sender

Whappext offers a WhatsApp Marketing Program that lets you identify the active WhatsApp numbers from your key list of smartphone contacts using WhatsApp Filter. It also allows to send bulk WhatsApp messages. You may deliver clients scheduled messages utilizing messages, photos, pictures, audio files, and GPS Position via WhatsApp. WhatsApp Bulk Sender is one of the WhatsApp Marketing Strategy resources that often gives you choices such as adjusting status, reacting to any incoming messages with automatic answers. During this time, the most important thing to do is to remember that you exist.

We all know that the situations of the world will be very different after the pandemic – however, it’s up to you how you keep your business going. We suggest you to use WhatsApp sender software to increase your WhatsApp marketing by sending bulk WhatsApp messages.

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